FASTFOILS™ Presents: Vivid Creative Color Look and Learn

With FASTFOILS Chita Beseau & George Alderete

Mon, 22 Apr 2024 2:00PM- 3:00PM(CST)
Location: 49

Limited seating. Available to the first 50

Introducing FASTFOILS™ High Performance Foil.

FASTFOILS™ are endothermic foils that protect the integrity of the hair while speeding up the processing time by a minimum of 25 percent, with a more consistent even level of lift.

Join Chita Beseau and George Alderete in this Creative Color master class, where participants will embark on an exciting journey to unlock the full potential of their creative coloring skills using the innovative FASTFOILS™ technique. In this course, we will delve deep into the artistry of creative coloring, focusing on maximizing color deposit to achieve breathtaking results. Through a combination of theory and practical demonstrations, participants will gain the knowledge and confidence to push the boundaries of their creativity and deliver exceptional vivid color transformations for their clients.